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CyberTel VoIP and Hosted IP PBX Services

Cybertel Business Services Hosted PBX is a fully-managed, enterprise-grade phone system that utilizes VoIP technology, to connect your business without the costs of a traditional phone system.

Our hosted PBX grows with your business, letting you easily add users or locations at any time, with minimal cost. Whether you are a small business or a corporation with offices across Canada – we can keep your business connected! With Cybertel’s Hosted PBX, there are no expensive investments on hardware to get a flexible phone system and all the lines & features your business will need.

Unmanaged Hosted IP PBX Services
If you already know how to run an Asterisk server but want the benefits of having that server hosted at a carrier-class data centre with fibre connections to the Internet and to CyberTel Toronto switch, then take a look at CyberTel’s Virtual Private Asterisk Servers (VPAS).

VoIP-Optimised ADSL Service
CyberTel communications can provide ADSL service specifically optimised to support its VoIP service offerings. This is achieved by combining a minimal-hop network connection from our VoIP data centre to the DSL Central Office routers with specialised DSL modems that support Quality of Service (QoS) routing to give priority to voice traffic over email and other data.

Contact CyberTel for details on VoDSL (VoIP Optimised DSL).
All services subject to CyberTel Digital Solutions’ standard terms and conditions. Prices above do not include taxes, delivery, equipment, installation, or customisation above and beyond standard service provisioning.


CyberTel SIP and IAX VoIP Trunks

CyberTel Digital Solutions can provide reliable business-class SIP and IAX trunks to support your IP PBX or Asterisk server.

Unmeasured voice trunks provide unlimited (within industry norms) local incoming and outgoing calling (referred to as origination and local termination). Long distance charges are separate and listed at CyberTel LD Rates

Usage charges for local incoming/outgoing calls on measured trunks are $0.01/minute for compressed trunks (G.729, GSM, or iLBC) and $0.02/minute for uncompressed trunks. For long distance calls on measured trunks these usage charges are added to our standard long distance charges.

A single account may include both measured and unmeasured trunks. When a call is handled (either incoming or outgoing) it is assigned to the first available unmeasured trunk. Only if all unmeasured trunks are in use will the call be assigned to a measured trunk. Once a call has been assigned to a measured trunk, however, it will continue to be billed as a measured call even if an unmeasured trunk becomes available (i.e. billing status is determined at the start of a call and cannot change during a call).

By combining measured and unmeasured trunks one can cost-effectively have most of your traffic handled on unmeasured trunks but still have the capacity to handle the occasion spike in traffic without your callers or staff encountering busy signals because no more trunks are available.

We also provide (at no extra charge) automatic failover to either voicemail or PSTN call forwarding. (These are intended for occasional failover use only when your service is unavailable. If you require hosted voicemail or virtual extension/call forwarding services, please let us know.)

All services subject to CyberTel communications’ standard terms and conditions. Prices does not include taxes, delivery, equipment, installation, or customisation above and beyond standard service provisioning.

Virtual Fax Services

All of our Virtual Fax accounts include: 

  • One local fax number
  • Web portal & e-mail access
  • unlimited users & multi-format faxing.

Virtual fax is an electronic means of faxing. Anyone from anywhere in the world, using any fax line can send you a fax. There are no limitations with a virtual fax service. Any faxes sent to your number will arrive in one or multiple email boxes of your choice. The fax will appear as a pdf attachment.

Sending a fax is also very simple. Any pdf, graphic, doc or docx file may be faxed directly from your computer. The fax is sent as an email attachment. The recipient will receive your fax just as if it were sent from a traditional analog fax. Using a virtual fax account has many more added features and advantages as compared to a traditional analog fax.

Use CyberTel’s Virtual Fax to send and receive faxes directly from your computer. No paper, no ink cartridges, no hassle. Check out our affordable monthly packages.

Sick and tired of junk faxes?
Print only what you need.

  • No more wasted paper & ink with junk mail
  • Share your fax account with everyone in your office
  • Forward faxes to other fax numbers or e-mail addresses
  • Archive your faxes virtually forever
  • Unlimited users on one single account

Already have a number with another carrier?
Move it to us for a one-time charge of $12.50 / number

Call now for Services!

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175 Adelaide St. W, Suite 114
Toronto, ON, M5H 4E7

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